Worship Ministry
If one verse could capture the heartbeat of our worship ministry, it is "Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; Make music to our God” (Psalm 147:7). With every opportunity, we desire to lead our church family to offer grateful praise to our God through songs, media, creativity, and production. In Psalm 145-150, the Psalmists describe the characteristics of grateful praise:
Praise His Greatness (Psalm 145)
“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom” (v. 3). God’s greatness and the glorious splendor of His majesty is undeniable. We see it so clearly in His mighty works, great deeds, abounding goodness, and steadfast love. He is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. Praise the Lord!
Praise For All Your Life (Psalm 146)
“I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” (v. 2). The Lord reigns forever, and as long as we have breath, we are invited into life with Him. The only right response we can give is to posture our lives unto Him. Trusting in earthly things that cannot save is a fruitless endeavor, but the Lord lifts up and blesses those who put their hope in Him.
Praise For It is Good (Psalm 147)
“How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him” (v. 1)! It is good for God’s people to put their hope in His unfailing love. From the garden until eternity, humanity was designed to worship our King, and because He is good, His design is good.
Praise With All Creation (Psalm 148)
We sing praise to the Lord and join all creation in doing so. From the highest heavens, to the lowest depths. With the angels and His hosts, all of creation naturally praises the Lord. As the moon reflects the sun, so our lives reflect His goodness and we join a choir of creation that serves to honor Him. But, God has raised up a people close to His heart to praise Him as faithful servants.
Praise With His People (Psalm 149)
We sing praise to the Lord with all of His people. We unite with our brothers and sisters and lift up a song. Our King takes pleasure in His people, so we gather underneath one cry, one voice, and underneath the saving grace of Christ Jesus to exalt Him.
Praise With Your Instrument (Psalm 150)
We bring praise to the Lord with our instruments. As the Creator has fashioned and formed us, so we in turn fashion instruments and form melodies with our heart, soul, mind, and strength.